Monday, February 4, 2013

The influence of documentaries

  So a few weeks ago those of us that were contract staff were temporarily laid off, and in an attempt to fill my time I watched food documentary after food documentary.  Well you watch enough of them and they are bound to get in your head.

  Hungry for change and Vegucated back to back are what did it I think.  With a few TED Talks thrown in for good measure. I finally hit a level of guilt and frustration about my eating habits and I knew I had to change something so I am "weekday vegetarian" which means that I can have meat on the weekend if I want to, but Monday to Friday, it's all about the beans, legumes and greens.

  I don't have a problem with eating meat, and my general philosophy was that growing up and living near a Mennonite farming community that the meat I was getting had lived a good life, but I know that's not the case for most farmed animals.  Julian who a) requires more calories than me and b) lives for bacon and meat sweats, so his pledge was to be a better omnivore.  Eating more parts than just the prime cuts.