This weekend I had the privilege of viewing (being accosted by) a red winged blackbird (top left) and then a painted turtle. The red-winged blackbirds are out in force right now trying to impress the ladies and protect their territory. No one has seen the Blandings turtle since last weekend. Diane recommended next time we should bring him into the nature centre so that someone can come and officially document him before we release him in the same spot. It might have been hard with the Mr. Blanding, he was quite a large turtle.
Tomorrow I leave for field camp and what promises to be a solid two weeks out in the field identifying creatures, and plants. I love doing this sort of thing, yet as always with a new experience feel nervous!
Finished my sock and cast on some leg warmers. They were supposed to be ready FOR field camp... the pattern said you can knit them up in a day. As I've done mittens like that before it did not seem an unreasonable time frame. I forgot that when I did the mittens I did almost nothing else (unless you count watching movies). Lesson of this project - done in a day is all relative to the knitter and time they have available to them.
Maybe cold weather will goad me on who knows? For now I'm off. If I get back to a computer sometime this week I'll update about field camp week 1.
Cheers from the 'loo
This is the poor stale sock I started one year last November. In the past 2 days I have turned the heel and started the foot. Go Me!
I'm motivated by the Memorial Day Challenge on the cash for stash group. Turning the heel seems to get easier every time. I'm excited for my next pair of socks.
I'm thinking of knitting some leg warmers for field camp in case there are some cold days/nights. I'd use yarn from stash (of course). Its an intriguing thought.
That's all I've got for now.
Cheers from the 'loo
All in all this week has been a good one full of promise and mostly productive. I have been cleaning my room and sorting things out for donation. I've just moved back to Waterloo from Guelph and I have accumulated of lot of stuff. For all that, I never seem to have pants without holes in them. Mostly because I hate shopping for pants, perhaps the problem is I'm cheap, broke, or average. I can never seem to find a pair that fits! Who knew having a shape could be such an issue. At any rate today I succeeded which is my first bit of Exciting News! The bank account is weeping quietly in the background after dropping close to $80 on the bloody things, but they fit perfectly. Tomorrow I will go looking for cheap pants I can destroy with pond water at work...
Speaking of work, my second bit of Exciting News is that last night at work I saw a Blandings Turtle! If you don't know what that is follow this link. Karen and I had never seen one before especially not at the pond and it was super exciting for us. We feel we have naturalist bragging rights at this point in time. I wish I had my camera. We were actually doing a frog and timber doodle program, but you can see frogs at any time, and the timber doodles weren't dancing anyway.
I haven't gotten very far on any of my knitting projects but I should pick one up again soon. Maybe the socks would be a good place to start. For now that's all my exciting news.
Cheers from the 'loo
I had a livejournal account once. I guess that counts as a blog but it was and is very highschool. Great for drama and distraught midnight postings. This is my new beginning, it is for what I like to call life's foibles, those strange things that make you want to share your feeling of excitement with everyone around you. Or sometimes those weird family stories that only a few can ever really understand. I'm going to learn how to imbed photos and change the template and all those fun things I could never figure out before.
Amie, if you ever read this the font is just for you! Yes that is right, I chose one with no Serifs! I am not going to expand much more than this for my introduction. I am sure most people who read this will already know me, and the rest of you can just wait and see :)!
Knitting update now, cast on currently is a weird scarf from all synthetic yarns. A sweater in patons shetland chunky from vogue knitting fall, and a sock. The second of a very lonely pair. I say very lonely because I have made no progress on this sock since January of 2008. Last year I learned how to make socks, but as a size 10/11 it took forever to finish the foot part on that first poor sock. I'm getting much better, and have since completed a pair of the fuzziest socks in existence.
Maybe I'll try and set the goal of blogging once a week. For now this is a good start.
Cheers from the 'loo